All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Its not just about holidays either. Things to do and groups to do them with that aren’t holidays – walking, gardening, movies, books and a plethora of hobbies that you may have scoffed at in your twenties as things your parents did – well, maybe now they are looking more like fun?
2502, 2020
Munch your way around town
Whether it’s getting to know interesting or off the beaten track delis, cafes, market stalls or restaurants, one of the
3001, 2020
Opening your own home brewery
If, like me your early experiences of home brewed beer involved the limited range of homebrew kits in the 70s
1001, 2020
Fun Stuff
The time has come to enjoy your free time and, hopefully, the few quid you have managed to squirrel away