Ireland – 1 Week Into Corona Shutdown


Project60, like Covid-19, knows no boundaries.  So today, as Ireland completes its first week of School Shutdown, we'd like to share with our friends and neighbours in the UK who are about to begin their own Corona Shutdown.  Schools locked their doors last Thursday night, 12/3, and everyone who could was advised to work from

Ireland – 1 Week Into Corona Shutdown2020-03-19T08:29:05+00:00

Retirement – The first 100 days


There I was working away in a large multinational, travelling the world, giving people the benefit of my 40 plus years of experience and wisdom, next thing I was retired. The first thing I did was take a holiday, which was very enjoyable, free from all the stress of work. When I got back I

Retirement – The first 100 days2020-02-26T09:04:34+00:00

Being a better parent #1


We are the sandwich generation.  On one level we may still have elderly parents to care for, and on another semi-dependent children.  Add grandchildren to that and maybe that makes us triple deckers. As we transition from a busy working life into a busy freestyle format, how do we upskill our parenting/son/daughtering to keep us

Being a better parent #12020-02-14T14:00:16+00:00

Family Guy


The 60 somethings of this decade are the baby boomers, guilty of becoming the wealthiest demographic cohort ever, and of destroying the planet in doing so.  They are also becoming the longest lived generation so far, which results in many of us having elderly parents, semi-dependant snowflake children, and grandchildren who are as yet blameless.

Family Guy2020-02-13T10:16:56+00:00