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So far webmaster has created 20 blog entries.

Ireland – 1 Week Into Corona Shutdown


Project60, like Covid-19, knows no boundaries.  So today, as Ireland completes its first week of School Shutdown, we'd like to share with our friends and neighbours in the UK who are about to begin their own Corona Shutdown.  Schools locked their doors last Thursday night, 12/3, and everyone who could was advised to work from

Ireland – 1 Week Into Corona Shutdown2020-03-19T08:29:05+00:00

Retirement – The first 100 days


There I was working away in a large multinational, travelling the world, giving people the benefit of my 40 plus years of experience and wisdom, next thing I was retired. The first thing I did was take a holiday, which was very enjoyable, free from all the stress of work. When I got back I

Retirement – The first 100 days2020-02-26T09:04:34+00:00

Munch your way around town


Whether it’s getting to know interesting or off the beaten track delis, cafes, market stalls or restaurants, one of the best ways, by far, to explore a city is to sign up for a food walk. While going on a food walk in a foreign city is exciting and a great way to get your

Munch your way around town2020-02-26T08:57:11+00:00

The Windscale Fire – My First Disaster


Windscale, aka Sellafield today, was always going to struggle with its public image.  Set up on the remote west coast of Cumbria after World War 2 by the Ministry of Supply (how Orwellian is that title?) its initial purpose was to produce weapons grade plutonium for the UK's own atomic bombs.  The US had pulled

The Windscale Fire – My First Disaster2020-02-24T20:07:09+00:00

2 Sides to Belfast


We took a couple of days out over the Christmas holidays to go and check out Belfast, my friend had never been there before, and suck up some of its history along the way. As a fan of the walking tour, the first afternoon we spent walking up the Falls Road in the company of

2 Sides to Belfast2020-02-24T12:10:30+00:00

Being a better parent #1


We are the sandwich generation.  On one level we may still have elderly parents to care for, and on another semi-dependent children.  Add grandchildren to that and maybe that makes us triple deckers. As we transition from a busy working life into a busy freestyle format, how do we upskill our parenting/son/daughtering to keep us

Being a better parent #12020-02-14T14:00:16+00:00

Getting Fit at 60


I am a 66 year old qualified personal trainer, and not surprisingly the majority of my clients fall into the 55 to 75 year old age category. There is a lot of information on the internet about exercise and the older adult. To someone who has never used exercise as a means of staying healthy

Getting Fit at 602020-02-24T13:57:58+00:00

Opening your own home brewery


If, like me your early experiences of home brewed beer involved the limited range of homebrew kits in the 70s and 80s, you can probably still recall that slightly nauseous ‘homebrew’ taste that they all seemed to have. Being offered a bottle of homebrew usually meant a quick exit to the pub. Well today that's

Opening your own home brewery2020-02-24T13:49:47+00:00

Become an Instagram Legend


We all know about Instagram. It’s the phone app where you can find endless pictures of food, holidays, selfies and food, right? Well it can be, but if used smartly it’s the platform where you share your interests and finds, and connect with likeminded hobbyists, plane-spotters, cyclists, stamp-collectors or wherever it is that your fancy

Become an Instagram Legend2020-02-24T13:48:32+00:00

Project60 – Explainer


Why Project 60? Project 60 has been created for those of you thinking of reaching the sunny upslopes of your sixties, and for those of you already on them.  It is the go to place to find all the new stuff that you need in your new world, free or freeish of work, that you

Project60 – Explainer2020-01-24T17:45:43+00:00